Saturday, February 16, 2008

Traditional Dance of Tolaki Tribe

The heritage from ancestor of Tolaki Tribe in category art dance for example is Mondotambe Dance and Umo’ara Dance, both dance often be seen at big celebrating such as Traditional Weeding’s, great crop, opening of people festival and expectation of district guest.
Mondotambe Dance have meaning as wellcome word, happiness, bliss and respect from local peope or the host wich posed into this Traditional dance, ussually conduct by five beutifull and young girl with line from music castenets beat named “Karandu”.

Umoara dance ussually conduct by two Man using traditional War Uniform completed with Sword and Shield, This dance have meaning as patriotism and knigh spirit of Tolaki Tribe and expression of higher respect and protection to all guest.

My personal experience when show this both dance in my wedding day, can’t be illustrated by any word, what I feel is emotion and proud as a part of Tolaki Tribe. One matter which I learn is every culture of ancestor heritage in the form of dance, music tools, clothes and also house architecture and procession in each ceremony created as they praise expression to thanks for God. And also for identity as a human being.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Nambo Beach, Right Place for Refresh

One of tourism choice in Kendari is Nambo beach, This beach reside in east of town kendari what still represent the part of Triangle bay of kendari, the location which close enough to downtown make this beach crowded by visited, almost every day tourist coming from town and also outside the town even from another country like Australian and Korean, this beach own calm wave, thats compatible and big insufficient made as recreation choice for Individu, group and family. More better coming to this Beach if You and the family or group don’t bring too much food because in this tourism location available a lot of typical food of kendari with cheap price for example Gogos And Sate Pokea for one portion of adult just sale with price less $1 USD, and in this location have been made available a Simple Gazebo which can become your and family place to take a rest and relaxing. for more scrumptious prepare cash sufficiently, after arriving at this beach, find the fresh fishmonger and then…You grill that fresh fish at the same time enjoy wave sound and ruthless of set breeze.

For Me, why I like come to this beach is just to take a simply refreshing from daily activity which sometimes drag on, And at the same time write article for my blog, example like article which you read now J, I intend to avoid bring my laptop or communicater if coming here, only my minimize jotter and my digital camera (canon - 7 Mega pixel) to note important features, the point is “I don’t want to loss my enjoy and relaxing with any gadget what I use working every day.”

One problem which still less in this district is the lack of Investor in tourism area (at least according to my personal opinion of course). Although according my experience is Nambo Beach just require a few of “expert touch” in order lifting to surface and make it famous. For me Kendari have many potential place to make tourist coming to kendari. And might possibly, one of them is YOU..!!!

finally, I wish to say thanks for Your visit and apologize if in this article you find incorrect word and grammar.

(to see galeri "Image of Nambo Beach " please click here)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hotspot Facility in Kendari now

In this time town kendari have owned area hotspot that is around MTQ and some other place like around hotel Athaya, and still will be added by some another strategic place in this town. thats meaning all society of kendari Town can access internet without cable.

The opportunity to get more information and can make this district growth fast.
Giving and take information of interested investor to want to know about this district, and this matter enlarge effort opportunity in this town for example: cafe internet, cheap and quickly of warnet , etc.

(for view image of the hotspot area in kendari clik here)