See more about Tolaki Tribe
Tolaki is one of the major ethnic group in southern Sulawesi, now included in southeast Sulawesi province. Their language is called Tolaki, and communities is also known by that name. They are not to be confused with Lolak in northern Sulawesi.
Tolaki consists of several sub-groups, including Bingkokak. Little is known about their lifestyle and culture, but it is thought that their way of life very similar to their ethnic neighbors, Pancana and Maronene.
Sulawesi is an island with a long coastline of about 3,500 miles, consists of four main peninsula is separated by the bay, with the two leads to the southern peninsula and the other two to the north. In the southern part of the island have one of the highest mountain, Mount Lompobatang ie, a passive volcano which reaches a height of 9419 feet. Despite the tropical climate, this area is influenced by altitude and proximity to the sea.
For people Tolaki, and grains grown on the farm became a staple food, but they also grow sweet potatoes, sugar cane, various kinds of vegetables, tobacco, and coffee. Their house is generally shaped house on stilts spread between land that has been opened. The houses are generally made of woven grasses and has a high roof.
Social class differences, with nobility above, lower nobility and ordinary society, still firmly held by most communities in Sulawesi. Each class usually has its own code of behavior, along with various cultures and traditions. Territory is divided into villages, and land use rights stipulated by the village. However, the agency ultimately holds the ownership of the land.
Tolaki ethnic marriage tradition requires the payment to the girl family at the time of betrothal and marriage. Value of dowry depends on the social rank of the youth. Before marriage, young men must serve and probation with the prospective in-laws, and these requirements strengthen the higher levels of engagement. In the past, slaves and their descendants were not permitted to marry each other, although they can live together. Also, women should not marry a nobleman ordinary people. Polygamy (having more than one wife) is common among the nobility, but now no longer made.
Islam is the dominant religion in Indonesia today and run for most residents. Hinduism, widespread in the archipelago before the fourth Abat, and now only run by a small number of residents, especially on the island of Bali. Approximately 13% of the total Indonesian population are Christians, primarily Protestants, and many Chinese Buddhist-Taoist. Animism (belief in things non-human beings have a spirit) adopted by the tribes who live in remote areas.
Islam has been dominant since the 1600s, and ethnic Tolaki in practice is a Muslim Sunni. However, traditional belief is still very important. Only about 1% Tolaki Christian community.
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