philosphy of Selling
(motivation stories for Adsenser, Adbritor, etc). If You is a owner of Web or blog who joining with a advertisement program (AdSense, BidVertiser, AdBrite, etc), of course you expect the advertisement can add you month income. But in practice this is very difficulty matter because various couse. Hopefully “The Story” hereunder can assist you find way to sell correctly. This philosophy is conclusion which I take away from a bakso (meat-ball) seller which often pass front of our student hostel every evening. This seller have famous in my neighborhood because really deliciousness, so even also the seller attitude of humorous and friendly. In fact, Seller of bakso wich often operate this neighborhood merely not one, but according to opinion of people in my neighborhood Mas joko is the best (Mas Joko is nickname of bakso seller). Joko have many customer, every evening they always wait Mas Joko pass. People will immediately go out from home if hearing rallying voice of mas Joko calling his own merchants "Baksoo…Baksoo…" accompanied by bludgeon voice releasing unique sound (the bludgeon sound unlike other seller which often pass). Attitude Understanding of Mas joko which sometimes give oblique price bonus in final month making college student like me progressively make all costumer becoming devoted and do not want to change over to other bakso seller in this neighborhood. Because feeling vexed finally I even also try to ask what "secret” of mas Joko in selling, and in the reality although Mas Joko not finish in high school but he have super strategy in selling that is (at least according to me).
- materials must Lawful and fresh and also have secret recipe (but Mas Joko hiding his "recipe" with reason that is a company secret)
- Cheap, Mas Joko say “all important is not get many advantage but satisfactions and reached price for all customer.
- Candid, making us work very seriously, ad for to give us bliss and satisfaction later.
- Have typical characteristic ,Mas Joko say that in this town nothing that have bludgeon voice like his property.
- Appetite understanding each customer and try to make they feel balmily.
- Timely in area knew have many customers so that they feel importantly.
Cladding for mas Joko, last news which I hear Mas Joko have desisted to sell bakso wear wagon because have owned restaurant of bakso. Finally I say thanks for your time, to come and read my article and hopefully can give benefit for you, success for Us. Anything we sell or offer if we use method which is equal to others for example by way of imitating, falsifying, plagiarizing just getting successfulness whereas, oppositely if unlucky you will not get something besides truth that you in fact is a looser. my suggestion :
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