Thursday, November 19, 2009

National Park of “Rawa Aopa Watumohai”

Rawa Aopa Watumohai, pariwisata kota sulawesi tenggara
Rawa Aopa Watumohai, pariwisata kota sulawesi tenggara National Park of Aopa Watumohai Swamp is conservation and continuation of nature area in District of South Konawe (Konawe Selatan), South East Sulawesi- Indonesia, was formed by 4 types of ecosystems, namely the savanna forest, surrounded by low, forests, mountains, swamps and mangroves. 
Watumohai inhabited by diverse flora-specific (89 family, 257 genus and 232 species), at type vegetation forest with mangrove noted multifarious plants such us tonke (bruguiera gimnorhiza), peropa (sonneratia spp.), lara teki (rhizophohara apiculata), nipah (nypa fruticans), etc. at type vegetation of savannah forest predominated by multifarious plant such as; alang-alang (imperata cylindrical), totele (cyperus rotundus), tio-tio (fymbristilis ferrugenea), kuralangga (axonpus compressus), and gelagah (saccharum spp). While at type vegetation forest of low mountain tropical rain live and expand very immeasurable composition plant, such as; multifarious of rotan (cane type), liana, and other type of low plant.